De weg van het Licht
De weg van het Licht
Herinner je wie je werkelijk bent

13th of March 2014 Austria
Me: Bashar! …I try to leave my mind out …
Ezekiel Bashar: ‘You better!’
Me: So I am channeling the energy of my Higher Self that is using your frequency to reach me… I am channeling a state of being that is a representative of Ezekiël-Bashar which means: messenger…
This is what I just heard you say on the internet…
Well, still I can ask you questions and I receive messages, is this okay? Well described?
When this beautiful skull called me, while I was looking at a photo a friend of mine made in Tuscon at the mineral ‘ market’ I was sure immediately that I wanted this specific scull, and not another one!
When the scull arrived in Holland a few weeks later, I was so curious, and within a few days the name Bashar came to me, I was never interested in Bashar’s messenges on the internet before, so the name never came in my thoughts before…
Ezekiel-Bashar: you talk a lot, just listen!
For four years now you have been channeling Mr. Kuthumi, an Ascended Master. Your site is filled with beautiful information about living on earth, going to the fifth Dimension and so on.
Now you are in contact with me, an extra-terrestrial being and I am so glad to renew your bond with us. I represent in fact a species that is very much human like. You are one of us, that is why we can contact you so easily.
We want you to receive these messages and spread them via your connections that will be multiplied in a short time. It is important for us that you take your self chosen task seriously for there is a lot of information to share and we do no longer want to linger.
You proved being a successful channel and therefore we will pass information to you that is precious and new for a lot of people. Precious in a way that it is for you a great step out of your comfortzone, to go public, far even more than you did before and new because we will tell you in a very comprehensible way what is going to happen, to take the fear away for those who really have no clue of the existance of Extra Terrestrial beings.
A lot is going on at this moment and even you doubt from time to time whether this is the time in history that has been spoken of a long time ago, since centuries…
But yes it is, and you are here, now the work has to be done. Now the shift has to be made:
From exclusion, hatred, loneliness to a one-hearted, collective, compassionate, loving, feeling of oneness … here on earth, in this period of time.
At this moment I felt I wanted to be silent for a while and than the talking began. I felt the urge to put on my voice recorder and than I spoke the following words, no more writing but talking, very new to me:
Me: So what do you want to me to say…. what do You want to say:
Here on planet earth it is not good now. There is a lot going on…. I think you can do better.
A big change is going to be there, a shift in time, a shift in reality, a shift in importancy of things…
A hugh transformation has to take place and you can be the messenger, that is what you are …
....and reach the people who never thougt it would be possible for extra terrestrials to contact you but this will be necessary in order to ( .... ) the big plan, to be whole, united together... to stop the devastation of Planet earth.
Not only the eartly people are involved: the Devas, the people from Inner Earth... they feel Gaia ... they feel her mourning, the extra terrestrials, the hybrid children who want to live on earth can not live here now...
Already the frequencies have been raised higher and higher ... a lot has been happening in the last few years ...
But now it is time for the big change
You can tell the people on earth: you do not have to be afraid, not at all. But it is so important for everyone to connect to your heart,
to connect to your be reassured that your are one, part of your Higher Selve his experience here on earth in this time, in this timeshift, and that you are willing to assist and that your are wanting to help and make your contribution to this...
Please go to your heart, listen to these words and please feel inside yourself...
Your self is responding to you: .... a certain feeling, feeling of
loneliness that now is going to solve.....a feeling of oneness .... the feeling of an oversoul who is caring for you .... who is loving you …can you feel his love?
We are all loved, we are all one, please notice this and be sure of it
And listen to the words, the words that come through you in many many ways ....

by walking in the nature: listen to the birds they are singing their song ...
look in the clouds
look at the sky
look at the moon
feel the sun beaming
hear the storms
Hear the earth calling ...
Mother Gaia is calling you to take the responsibility for everything living here on earth...
No more disabuse
No more fighting
No more killing
Please notice the voice shouting louder and louder in your hearth
Telling you listen, do no longer linger!
Do not try to avoid this voice, just listen: it is the most important part of all
Listen to your heart.... now we cannot force you to do so
We can ask you to feel, to look around you
To look in the eyes of another person: if you look in the eyes of another person then you can see the love on a deeper level: open yourself up to the other ...
Look at the other people
And not only your beloved, your family, but the circle has to be widened, opened ....
Open your self up
To the love of the Animals, the nature, everything
Then look at the sky, look into your heart, this is the same and look at the extra terrestrial beings who want to be part of you ... who are part of you, you have Selves living in the outher space...
It is not so unusual ...these are parts of you so do not be afraid!
See them and listen to them , and feel them in your heart, so they can assist you in these times of devastation, of destruction. There is a lot of love but there is a lot of bad things going on, you can see them with your own eyes you can feel it in your heart...
Now it is time to open up to the light and to feel that you have the light within you, your can spread your light on earth!
This was your purpose when you came on earth: it was your purpose doing so
Feel the truth of those words in your heart and just imagine the possibility that there is more, more than human beings, more than animals, that there is much more, Devas, people of the Inner Earth, Saints, Ascended Masters, but also the Extra Terrestrial beings who love you, who care for you, who want to reunite....again ... finally after so many times...

This timeshift is very, very important for the existence of the earth
So please listen to your heart: this is where you can find the answers ...
there it is where you can find the truth
This is for now
We will continue
Please accept us in your heart as a part of yourself
Ezekiël - Bashar
Thank you, thank you ... we love you ....thank you